2019: Your Year of Flossing Daily

By: Celeste Thomas, RN, BSN

My great grandfather was a heroic soldier in world war one, he served in the dental core, and later became the premier dentist in Minneapolis Minnesota. I never met my great grandfather, but his passion for dental health was passed down through each generation in my family.

I can remember being a little girl, maybe eight years old and being so incredibly prideful when I went to the dentist. I knew that my diligent flossing would garner me praise from the entire office. Those flossing habits have stuck with me and become a meditative part of my wellness practice. I can’t even fall asleep without the gratifying feeling of clean flossed teeth!

Beyond a clean mouth feel and white teeth, flossing contributes to improved metabolism and heart health. Removing microbial buildup between teeth can have a positive impact on blood sugar, decrease inflammation overall and help with your glycemic control. Flossing also helps to remove dangerous Micro-organisms associated with gum disease and arterial clotting. Flossing is one of the easiest things you can do to promote your overall wellbeing in the new year.

If you don’t come from a lineage of prideful flossers, don’t worry, 2019 Is the perfect year to build your own ritual around flossing. Building a healthy sustainable habit takes 21 days, then it becomes a subconscious part of your daily life. Here are a few of my favorite ways to stay on track with a new habit.

Physically write it down: Crossing off an action item on my to do list brings me the MOST joy. I suggest getting a journal or notebook and writing AM floss or PM floss on your daily page. It might be the easiest thing on your list and you’ll get a true sense of satisfaction when you accomplish the task and cross it off. Make it a ritual: Make yourself a cup of warm water, light your favorite candle, play some soothing music, anything to make the task more of luxurious experience. Find out what works best for you and stick with it over the 21 days to create a beautiful ritual around flossing.

Find you favorite flavor: Scent and flavor immediately connect you to a time and place. Maybe the scent of the fresh coconut Cocofloss brings you back to a romantic island vacation. Find the flavor that brings you back to a wonderful memory and indulge in the daydream as you floss away.

In addition to these ritual boosting tips, it’s fantastic to get a reminder from an outside source to keep you on track with your new year flossing goals. Cocofloss has a wonderful 21 day flossing challenge, subscribe with your email and receive 21 emails of encouragement and insight. I hope these tips help you achieve your goals in 2019 no matter how little or lofty. By February you’ll be fully board the flossing train, singing its praises at dinners and gifting floss no matter what the occasion!