Balmy in Bali

Cocofloss visited Bali's famous rice terraces in August. 

Balmy and beachy, Bali is the quintessential tropical paradise. The landscape is painted with countless palm trees and thousands of beautiful temples. While Indonesia is predominantly Muslim, over 90% of Balinese people practice Hinduism.

Bali is also a world-class surf destination. Receiving the full force of Southern Ocean swells, Bali’s coasts are littered with surf spots.

Balinese sunsets are kaleidoscopic. Each evening, tourists and locals alike pause their day to watch the fiery sun dip gracefully below the horizon.

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Thanks to Cocoflosser, Meredyth L, for the gorgeous photos! 


This state, ____________, the largest rice producer in the US, produces more than 9 billion pounds of rice annually across ~2 million acres.

____________ holds over 100 NFL records.

Rice is California’s 4th biggest crop by acreage, followed by ____________, alfalfa, and grapes.

Growing up, ____________, wanted to be a concert pianist. Today, this French and Russian-fluent woman is one of the most influential leaders in global politics.

This month, philanthropist, ____________, expressed excitement about scuba rice, which can survive ~17 days of flooding. These robust seeds will help farmers in India adapt to growing extreme weather and climate change.

This country, ____________, is the third largest rice producer in the world.

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