A Gift for Dry Hands: Homemade Salve

Are your hands starting to feel Sahara Desert–parched from washing them countless times? If so, well, good on ya for being a hand-washing machine. But you also should reward yourself for your 20-plus seconds of dutiful scrubbing (as cheerfully modeled by celebs Hugh Jackman, Gloria Gaynor, and Brandon Flowers in these videos) by quenching your skin’s thirst with a moisturizing, homemade hand salve.

Whipped up with all-natural ingredients — including the antimicrobial powers of
coconut oil, which is also infused into every strand of Cocofloss — this remedy for dry skin doubles as a thoughtful gift for loved ones and neighbors. We all could use a helping hand right now, especially a very clean, soft, good-smelling hand. 

How to Make Homemade Hand Salve


2 cups of olive oil

1 cup of coconut oil

1 cup of beeswax 

30 drops of essential oil of choice (such as orange, lemon, vanilla, lavender, or peppermint)

1 extra-large glass jar, or a heat-safe disposable canister (an empty coffee can work great)

small jars (the quantity depends on how many gifts you’d like to make)


Create a bain-marie (hot-water bath) by filling a pot with water and bringing it to a simmer. In the extra-large glass jar, add the two oils and wax. Set the jar in the middle of the pot of water, making sure the water comes at least halfway up the sides.

Let melt a bit, then stir. Leave it alone and stir again in a few minutes. In 5 to 10 minutes it will all melt into one smooth mixture, which is when you add your smells. The fun part!

Carefully pour the liquid into your small jars, being careful not to get it on the outside. Then let it sit for a couple hours or wrap and cool off in the fridge. 


Recipe for hand salve courtesy of Aunt Peaches


Keep Calm & Shine On

Care for your smile with Cocofloss. Our rainbow of scents, from Pure Strawberries to Delicious Mint, adds a bit of feel-good fragrance to your self-care routine. 🍓