Spring: Time for New Beginnings

Cocofloss Spring




It's almost spring here at Cocofloss! It's that gorgeous, cherry blossom-speckled time of year when nature celebrates change. Leaves burst green, critters shed their winter furs, bright azaleas and lilacs blossom, and the Cocofloss team embarks on some mental spring cleaning.

For us the Cu sisters, the past several months have been full of growth and evolution in all aspects of our lives. We're striving to do a better job at accepting, welcoming, and even seeking out change. When we allow ourselves to see and appreciate it, we see that life as in nature brims with growth and renewal.


In the spirit of Spring, we invite you to ponder this: What's one change that will make your soul grin?


Let's challenge our instincts to embrace change. While challenging and frightening at times, change in all its shapes and sizes – as small as flossing daily – gives us growth. Instead of resisting change and focusing on what we have to lose, let's dare ourselves to imagine what we have to gain.


Peace and floss,
Cat & Chrys
Sisters & Co-founders of Cocofloss