Bath Time Bliss: DIY Bath Salts

Just reading this DIY bath-salts recipe may make you feel more relaxed, especially since you might already have all you need to make it. This soothing addition to your soak is mostly made with Epsom salts, or magnesium sulfate, which are a classic (but unproven) folk remedy for everything from sore muscles to insomnia. Grandma would likely approve — and sometimes that’s all the comfort you need.

You can also scent your salts with aromatherapeutic essential oils such as stress-relieving lavender or mood-boosting peppermint. Add dried herbs from your garden, if you have them, for a bit of natural fragrance and beauty. Then, for a heart-warming dose of generosity, pack the salts into little glass jars tied with a ribbon to make lovely wellness gifts of bathtime bliss to leave at your friends’ and neighbors’ doorsteps.  

No matter what, setting aside a half hour for a luxurious bath with self-made products can help you restore a much-needed sense of calm. Breathe in, breathe out, and just be in your birthday suit.  


How to Make Bath Salts



Makes 1.5 cups


  • 1 cup Epsom salt (available at most grocery and drug stores)
  • ½ cup natural sea salt 
  • 20-30 drops essential oils. 
  • (Optional) 2-3 tablespoons dried herbs or botanicals. 


Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Transfer to a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

To Use

Add approximately ½ cup of bath salts to warm running bath water.

Recipe courtesy of DIY Natural.


Bath Time Bonus

While you’re soaking in the suds, why not further unspool by flossing with your favorite Cocofloss fragrance, whether it’s vacay-scented Fresh Coconuts or dreamy Vanilla Bean